Welcome, NightScroller, to the frontier... the unknown...
The internet is vast, information is ever-flowing, and many are flocking to the metaverse to find refuge... to find answers...

And in the distance… a Citadel awaits…

“We were too busy searching for clues that we did not see the mystery unravel. Before our eyes laid despair, calamity, and destruction… we knew all the answers… we just didn’t know the questions…”

*Cue Theme Music*


*The Wait is Over*


Google Play 
Now Available on Google Play

Now Available on the App Store


This game is optimized for casual play as well as for those who want to take this to the next level. 

On the main menu screen, press the connect button to enter your Twitter handler and a designated Wallet Address to save your High Scores!

BUG: The browser crashes when trying to connect to MetaMask without signing. 

SOLUTION:  Refresh the Tab . Then, COPY and PASTE the wallet address in to the form instead


Don’t forget to SHARE your HIGH scores!

This will open a Save Dialog for "HighScore_ScreenShot.jpg"

On mobile you can use the share panel t

DISCLAIMER: Always remember, you MUST be vigilant and never share your personal info (private keys, passwords, etc...) with anyone in the world of crypto. ALWAYS use a burner wallet as well. The metaverse is approaching... be safe out here, NightScroller...

*This game is still in development and will continue via iterations of additional features,  as well as mobile development for Android and maybe iOS depending on the interest of the project*

Also available on

Development log


by Chipmoi · 1 post
by Chipmoi · 1 post
by Chipmoi · 1 post
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